WDCD Redesign Everything Challenge styleguide — V 1.0 — Update 4 Jan 2024
Matching the topic of this campaign, the graphic identity of the Redesign Everything Challenge is based the principle of a clock. It includes the title of the challenge, the What Design Can Do logo and the subtitle; an urgent call for creative climate solutions. Please note, this visual can not be adjusted
Today, signs of the climate breakdown are impossible to miss. By using the metaphore of a clock we want to visualize the urgency of this challenge.
Make it fit. If you use sizes, make sure they work well together.
The flip elements can be used in different sizes.
Example a single title or as an informative fact visual
The infographics are designed in the same way as the main visual. The clock forms the basic of showing numbers, this is possible in different ways.
Please explore the different possibilities
R255 G237 B0
C0 M0 Y100 K0
R255 G0 B0
C0 M100 Y100 K0
Soft Yellow
R255 G255 B197
C0 M0 Y30 K0
Soft Red
R255 G187 B187
C0 M30 Y15 K0
R0 G0 B0
C0 M0 Y0 K100
In the challenge documents you can find examples of how to use type.
The title is set in the Reflip family this can be in the Condensed or demi Condensed, alternated in black, yellow, red, soft yellow and soft red depending the background.
The subtitle is set in the Franklin Gothic Condensed.
The body text is set in ITC Franklin Gothic book Condensed, with highlights set in Demi Condensed.
Set the spacing on optical, titles look smooth and are readable.
Try to use long and short sentences alternated. On the right side you can see an example where this is not the case, you create big holes by doing this.
The identity of the Redesign Everything Challenge is a combination of an icon language, photography and film.
Choose images that are clean or have a graphical touch. You can combine the images with a graphic, to make text readable.
Make sure that we own the copyrights if the images for external use. If we use work of designers, we always mention them.
Hereby a moodboard of the portrait photography for the digital zine.
To create one clear identity there are several ways to match the graphics with photography, see examples:
For the Redesign Everything Challenge we created a presentation template, for Google Slides.
Download and install this template, and pick a master slide to start and present.
If you have any requests for visuals or other presentation slides please send a mail to meeuwis@whatdesigncando.com.
The campaign of the Redesign Everything Challenge is divided by different stages. We'd like to ask you to respect these stages in the local communications campaign when releasing these visual materials.
Please see attached, and include in your email signature. If you're in apple mail, you can do this by:
1. open mail application
2. in the top menu bar, click "Mail" > "Preferences"
3. go to "signatures" tab, and drag-and-drop the file into the signature, in place of the regular WDCD one